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విక్షనరీ:Cleanup and deletion process

విక్షనరీ నుండి

If you see an article you think needs cleanup then either clean it up yourself or nominate it for other Wiktionarians to have a look at. This page will tell you how to nominate a page for cleanup by others, or for deletion when necessary.

Some reasons for nominating an article for cleanup:

  1. It is a sub-stub (with too little information).
  2. It needs extensive formatting, proofreading, or rephrasing in comprehensible English.
  3. You think it should be deleted because of copyright problems, unsalvagable NPOV, etc., but aren't sure, and don't want to mistakenly put it on RfD. (It will be moved to the appropriate page by somebody else if necessary.)
  4. It needs to be changed urgently for some reason.

How to nominate a page for cleanup or deletion:

  • There are several specific codes etc to use. See Wiktionary:Cleanup and deletion elements for a full list of reason codes, lists, templates etc. Please see there.
  • Edit the page and insert the code {{rfc}} (or the appropriate other template from the preceding bullet point) at the top of the article or, if the request applies to only one section, to the top of that section. This will invoke the "Request for cleanup" (or other) template, which will both add the page to an appropriate category, and add an informative banner to the page. Save the page.
  • Click on the "+" sign in the banner that appears on the page; this will cause you to create a new section on the appropriate page, where you can nominate the entry. If there's no "+" in the banner:
    • Click Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup (or other page) link in the banner that appears on the page.
    • On the Requests for cleanup (or other) page, use the Make a new nomination or Add section or similar link to add an explanation of your nomination for cleanup.
    • In the headline for your nomination, put the name of the nominated article as an internal Wiki link, e.g.: === [[PileOfJunk]] ===. This makes it easy for others to navigate to the article, and from the article to the discussion you're starting.
  • Give a brief reason for your nomination of the article for cleanup or deletion.
  • Thinking deeply before listing an article here is encouraged, but it is definitely not a requirement. Most comments here are first impressions, not considered analyses of an article. Before requesting citations at Requests for verification, it's good manners to do a cursory check for citations yourself so as to save others work.
  • Be specific. Saying "needs work" is not enough.

Once the article is cleaned up or the deletion/verification process has completed:

  • Remove the {{rfc}} or other such code from the article,
  • Indicate that the cleanup is done in the appropriate section of Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup or other list. The administrators may archive or delete the "discussion" sometime afterwards to keep the Requests for cleanup page current and not overly long.

More points about the deletion and verification processes


Please see Wiktionary:Requests for deletion and Wiktionary:Requests for verification!

Full list of reason codes, lists, templates etc


See Wiktionary:Cleanup and deletion elements (shortcut: WT:CDE) for a full list of reason codes, lists, templates etc.

The following pages etc are used in the Cleanup and Deletion process.

See Wiktionary:Cleanup and deletion elements for full list of codes, templates, lists,categories etc

Pages previously used in the deletion process


These are not analysed for future arrangement.

Wiktionary:Requests for deletion/Archives.
Wiktionary:Page deletion guidelines
Wiktionary:Deletion log
Wiktionary:Previously deleted entries